Monday, August 18, 2008

Good Ol' Beauty.

I've just read an article about old cars in Top Gear Magazine written by James May and yes, I agree absolutely. Having an old car is nothing like having a brand new one. It's better. 

Having a new car is like having a brand new set of bathroom furniture - they're all smooth, pretty, good looking and well working. They satisfy you because they work in the way you want them to. But there is one problem - they're all completely deprived of soul. Some say that some fancy ass sports cars have a soul because they sound differently, drive differently and feel differently. But let me tell you something, my friend - they're just the same as any other new car I know. Do you know why? Because 'having a soul' is something in the way different than being different. It's about experience. 

And there we come to the old cars. Experience is a factor here. If the car is twenty years old, you can definitely say that it's got a soul. That it's experienced. Do you know why? Because it's got 200k miles on the dial and you're the only person in the world who knows how to set a sit in your car in order to stop this rambling around and dancing on the floor every time you try to take a corner. It's beautiful. You look on your car's headlamps and you can see in them how many millions of landscapes they have seen. You look on the steering wheel and wonder how many millions of corners it has made. You look on the passenger's sit with a huge black/brown stain on the upholstery and you try to imagine a previous owner going to McDonald's, ordering a cup of coffee, putting it on the passenger's sit and then you see a cup falling over and a coffee pouring away. You look on the gear lever and wonder how many times it's been moved. Each morning you wake up and you're just amazed of the fact that your car is still working! After some time you get so familiar with an old car you own that I can even bet $100 on the fact that any other person who's going to try to at least move my car, is not gonna be able to do it. No way. 

Some owners of brand new cars may say "if you guys had more money and could afford a new car, you would buy it". Bullshit. And by the way, our cars are sometimes in the way more expensive than yours. We, "ol' guys", love old cars and are not gonna change them on any new, safe, good lookin' Merc or whatsoever. You don't understand it? We do. You can't.

© PHOTO BY tangerined, FLICKR.COM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happiness is enjoying the sunset together.

I just thought it'd be a great attachment to my previous post :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Wersja POLSKA ponizej.

As you probably can see I've broken one of my key rules on my blog. Black And White looks. But this picture and mostly colors of it were too beautiful and true to simply convert it into B&W photo. 

Actually, there is another key rule that I've broken just a seconds ago. I wrote something in other language than English. I did it especially for my dear friend Marta who asked me to write one post in our native language which is Polish. And so I did. The reason I write all this in English is one simple fact. Accessibility. The ease of understanding. Since English is the most well-known language in the world I wanted to give an opportunity to everyone to get what I meant while writing my new thought. That's it.

So now let's go to the topic of this post. Happiness. Some of them have it, some not. Some of them are always happy, some have never felt this way. Some of them find it, some have never come across it. Some of them run for it, some even don't want it. Some of them know what it is, some not. 

Why am I writing about happiness anyway? I recently watched a phenomenal movie 'The Pursuit of Happyness' and I just couldn't resist. Right after watching I wanted to go to my keyboard and start tapping but I was just too tired. This has to be the second (after 'Shawshank Redemption') film at the end of which I dropped a few tears. And yes, I'm the kinda' guy who, sometimes!, cries in the cinema. [(...)I'm the kinda' guy who laughs at the funeral(...)]. Anyway, this was one of the happiest movie moments that I've ever seen before. When Chris finally finds his happiness, in this case happYness. But he wasn't just looking for it, he was running for it. Pursuing it. Finally it let him get it.

And what is a happiness for me? Am I happy?

Happiness is a state of mind when everything is just the way it's supposed to be. Even though at first it may seem like it's not like that, after a short time you realize that everything's just right and a smile comes on your face. You sit on the bench in park or in the garden with a glass of juice in your hand. You're happy. After all you realize that you live in the country that is not tainted by war and it's free, you've got a wonderful friends who sometimes piss you off but the fact that you've got them is one of the best things that ever happened to you, you've got a job or working parents, so poverty is not the thing that you have to deal with, you've got a loving family, you're healthy and there are cool people around you. And you've got this glass of juice in your hand. And you know what? I'm happy.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Szczescie. HappYness.

English version above.
Postanowilem napisac jeden post po polsku specjalnie na zyczenie mojej przyjaciolki Marty. Moze najpierw wytlumacze dlaczego pisze mojego bloga nie w rodzimym jezyku, tylko w angielskim. Chce, aby blog byl dostepny dla kazdego, kto sie nim zainteresuje, ktory przypadkiem na niego wpadnie, albo ktoremu sie nudzi. Nie chce stwarzac zadnych barier jezykowych, ktore moglyby sprawic, ze moja grupa odbiorcow bylaby ograniczona. Jestem przywiazany do zarowno jezyka polskiego jak i do Polski, ale angielski daje duzo wiecej mozliwosci. To moze tyle slowem wstepu.
No to teraz temat mojego postu. Szczescie. Niektorze je maja, niektorzy nie. Niektorzy od poczatku sa szczesliwi, niektorzy nigdy szczescia nie zaznaja. Niektorzy je znajduja, niekorzy niegdy sie na nie nie natykaja. Niektorzy za nim biegna, niektorzy nawet go nie chca. Jest wiele wariacji na ten temat. Niektorzy wiedza czym jest, niektorzy nie. 
Dlaczego pisze o szczesciu? Niedawno obejrzalem fenomenalny film 'Pursuit of Happyness' i nie moglem sie opanowac. Zaraz po seansie mialem ochote doskoczyc do klawiatury i od razu zaczac stukac, ale zmeczenie wzielo gore. To byl drugi (po 'Shawshank Redemption') film, na koncu ktorego polecialo pare lez. Moment ten byl jednym z najszczesliwszych momentow filmowych na jakie mialem okazje patrzec. Kiedy Chrisowi w koncu udaje sie znalezc szczescie. Ale on go nie tylko szukal, on za nim biegl. Scigal je. W koncu dalo sie zlapac.
A czym jest szczescie dla mnie? Jaki to jest stan? Czy jestem szczesliwy?

Szczescie jest stanem ducha, w ktorym wszystko jest tak jak byc powinno. Nawet jesli poczatkowo wydaje sie byc inaczej, po krotkim zastanowieniu dochodzisz do wniosku, ze przeciez wszystko jest ok i usmiech pojawia Ci sie na twarzy. Siedzisz na lawce w parku albo na dzialkuni ze szklanka soku w rece. Jestes szczesliwy. Przeciez mieszkasz w kraju, ktory jest wolny i nie zbrukany wojna, masz wspanialych przyjaciol, ktorzy czasem Cie denerwuja, ale fakt, ze ich masz jest jedna z najlepszych rzeczy jaka kiedykolwiek Ci sie przytrafila, masz prace, czy tez pracujacych rodzicow, wiec bieda Cie nie dotknie, wlasnie, masz kochajaca rodzine, jestes zdrowy, otaczaja Cie fajni ludzie. No i masz te szklanke soku w dloni. I wiesz co? Jestem szczesliwy.